Friday, March 19, 2010

Moroccan Christians

I just received this letter from the Moroccan Church. Last week a Christian run orphanage was seized by the government and the workers were either deported or arrested. There was also a large of amount of money seized by the government as well as a vehicle.

I am so impressed by this letters tone and content. What a Christlike response to a very difficult situation. Please pray for this situation, the children left behind, and the freedom to practice faith of choice in Morocco.

Below is a translation attempt of the official Arabic letter being prepared for distribution by a group of Moroccan Christians. Read and pray. =======================================================================================================
The International union of Moroccan Christians:

We as Christian Moroccans pray for our king our people and our nation.

We members of the international

union of Moroccan Christians declare that we are following closely and with serious

concern all the incidents (that happened recently) of arrests, investigations

against Moroccan Christians and the expelling of foreigners involved in

humanitarian work in Morocco.
We desire by the present to clarify the following points:
· We as Moroccan Christians have a rich history, some of us are

from the first generation and others are from second and third generation of

Christians. We are individuals and families that occupying different positions

in the Moroccan society or abroad. We live our daily life in harmony with our

Moroccan society. We make every effort serve our country with all energy and

means we have.

· Our faith in Christ is a faith by choice. It was never by

obligation or under any kind of pressure or under any financial or social

influence. Our faith, came solely from our personal convictions and not from

foreign influence according to some media that tries to destroy (nullify) the credibility

of our faith. This persecution from the Moroccan authorities, hurt us as

Christians, and prevents us from our basic rights that are guaranteed to us by

the constitution and the international human rights. The reality is in

contradiction with what the government declares via the minister of

communication, “that Morocco guaranties the freedom of

religion and the freedom of faith”. We wonder then if this is true why the Moroccan Christians are persecuted? Under what law are arrested and questioned?

· The declarations of the foreign churches in Morocco do not

represent the opinion of the Moroccan Christians. The freedom they are enjoying

as foreigners in the country is not given to the Moroccan Christian. The Moroccan

Christians do not have churches (buildings) and do not have the right to meet

to practice their faith whether secretly or publically. We are not even allowed

to defend our faith when we are asked about it. We are even prevented from

obtaining an Arabic or Berber Bible in our dear country. The Bible is

confiscated because it is considered a part of the proselytism literature.

· The persecution that we suffer from as Moroccan Christian is

a clear religious persecution and has nothing to do with any political view we may

have. We as Moroccan Christians, pray for our king, our people and our nation

from Tangiers to Guerra and we always wish them goodness prosperity and success.

And based what was said above we make the following requests to the Moroccan government:

· To stop all kinds of harassments (arrests, interrogations,

etc...) from the Moroccan authorities that are only aiming at humiliating the

Christians and try to force them to quit their faith.

· That the Moroccan government will open official communication

channels with the Moroccan Christians to discuss with the Christians for the

clarifications sake, transparency and common understanding.

· Official recognition of the Moroccan Christians and their

right in practicing their faith freely and without any conditions or harassments.

· Allow Moroccans to embrace any religion they choose including

Christianity, as the constitution allows them, without being subject to questioning or harassment.

The International Union of the Moroccan Christians

Monday March 15th 2010

Posted via email from nthn's posterous